Top 3 tips to index your web page quickly

Is your website not getting indexed on Google? Here are some tips for you

TIp #1

Create a Sitemap

A sitemap can be seen by just adding sitemap.xml after the URL. A sitemap makes it simple for Google Bot to understand your website because it helps it point the bot where to crawl. Once it understands your website there is better chance that your website will be indexed and can rank better on SERP.

TIp #2

Index it with a Google business Profile Post

This does not work all the time but has worked for many businesses and blog writers. If you are not able to index your website posting a link on Google My Business might help you get indexed. Here’s how you do it.
1: Go to my business profile.
2: Add an Update.
3: Add a link to your post and submit it.
This can work for you.

TIp #3

Tweet it on Twitter

This is the easiest way to get your website indexed. Google bots crawl tweets for some reason. Many people got their websites indexed when they started using twitter and posting links in the tweets. 

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